Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What's Blooming at 179

We are so lucky. Thank you Grampy for our gorgeous back yard.

How appropriate that Grampy planted Forget Me Nots. I love these little blue flowers.

Spearmint and Applemint. Notice the difference in leaves. Applemint leaves are a bit fuzzy.

One of Seth's favorite perennials because it looks like the Trio logo.

Purple Lilac. Almost fully bloomed.

A Maine endangered plant. Jack in the Pulpit. I'm lucky enough to have three!

White Lilac. A huge full and fragrant bush.

Stanley Plum. I hope this year I will have some plums!

Flowering Almond. A gorgeous little bush that I'd like to transplant.

Apple. I can't quite remember what kind.

My dad's girlfriend bought me these herbs the other day. Chive and Golden Oregano. Very excited about my little herb garden!


  1. Beautiful! I wish I had that much blooming right now. That golden almond is gorgeous, I don't think I've seen one of those before.

  2. Ooooh....Ahhhhh.....Oooohh... This whole blog was like watching the fireworks, with each new picture..ooohhhh!

  3. Who would have thought that my little girl would be a gardener and have a green thumb.
