I just really like this picture. I love asparagus. I do believe it is my absolute favorite vegetable (despite the result of pee that smells a little off). This bundle was able to serve me and my husband for two meals. The first time I steamed it and topped it with a dab of butter and salt and pepper. The second time I was roasting potatoes so I popped the rest of the asparagus in with some olive oil and salt and pepper. I think I may prefer it roasted. I love the olive oil. I know it is popular to top it with some sort of cream sauce or do something fancy with it. I'm not a popular type of cook. I'm very traditional. I do things just like my mom and dad and Shirley Dill. It's my roots.
Growing up in Litchfield we had a decent sized garden. In the front corner was the round patch of asparagus which is a perennial. I would get so excited when I'd go out in the spring and notice the nubs of asparagus coming through the soil. After a few years I knew just the right height to cut them at so we could have them for dinner. Once allowed to over grow asparagus gets really bushy. A great place to hide when playing with your friends.
That was a nice trip down memory lane.
Lol! Not everyone's pee stinks -- some people have an enzyme that breaks down the odor.
On a more serious note, I recently learned about asparagus growing in Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. Very interesting.
I like it roasted! I do it with a touch of olive oil, s & p and a shallot or onion. Deliciousoso!!
I love it roasted, too, or grilled. MMMMM....
I recently found out the small town I live in (but didn't grow up in) used to be known for growing asparagus. I wonder what happened that it no longer is...
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