Anyway, I used to sit on the kitchen floor as a little girl and haul them out to look at them. I think this is where my food obsession started.
I never ended up with any of my mothers cookbooks, just some of her recipe cards. So I have started my own collection and I love it.

There are a handful that I use ALL.THE.TIME. The rest I refer to once in a while. Most used: Veganomicon, Vegan with a Vengeance, Bread Baker's Apprentice, Better Homes and Garden (my mother had the old old old version of this), and my binders.

This is what I like to do when I have a bad day; pull out an arms load of books and binders, make a nest, watch TV and make lists of stuff I want to try. Below you will see the binders. One is for anything not dessert/sweet. These are main dishes, breads, sides and salads, ect. The other binder is all sweets; cookies and bars, cakes, pies and tarts, ect. THEN, I have two folders, one of things to make in the near future, and one of things to be filed. It is quite the system I have going!!

Nice story, Brianne. I love to read short stories, bringing back the good old days with its great memories (or sad ones, sometimes), pieces of papers, handwritten by someone we deeply loved (mom), that makes you think, wonder how she must have felt at that particular moment when she wrote it, brings back the image of how she was looking like, how her voice sounded like, how much we loved her...
I am a cookbook fanatic as well! There's nothing better than going through a cookbook you haven't used in a while and finding something you haven't made before. Perfect winter Sunday activity!
what a great collection!! I also LOVE cookbooks, and constantly finding myself buying more! They are just so fun, especially the ones with beautiful pictures :)
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