We are so lucky. Thank you
Grampy for our gorgeous back yard.

How appropriate that
Grampy planted Forget Me
Nots. I love these little blue flowers.

Spearmint and
Applemint. Notice the difference in leaves.
Applemint leaves are a bit fuzzy.

One of Seth's favorite perennials because it looks like the Trio logo.

Purple Lilac. Almost fully bloomed.

A Maine
endangered plant. Jack in the Pulpit. I'm lucky enough to have three!

White Lilac. A huge full and fragrant bush.

Stanley Plum. I hope this year I will have some plums!

Flowering Almond. A gorgeous little bush that I'd like to transplant.

Apple. I can't quite remember what kind.
My dad's girlfriend bought me these herbs the other day. Chive and Golden Oregano. Very excited about my little herb garden!
Beautiful! I wish I had that much blooming right now. That golden almond is gorgeous, I don't think I've seen one of those before.
Ooooh....Ahhhhh.....Oooohh... This whole blog was like watching the fireworks, with each new picture..ooohhhh!
Who would have thought that my little girl would be a gardener and have a green thumb.
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