Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Baby Food: Potato, Kale, and Green Beans

I haven't been very good about posting my baby food adventures on this blog. I have a Mommy blog and I talk about it some over there but I will try to do better about posting this here.

I think everyone should make their baby food. I see absolutely no reason you would need to buy that crap in a jar. I work 40 hours a week. I have a clingy baby. I have a husband that doesn't come home until 7:00 at night and works some on the weekends. And I have a household to manage. 98% of Abe's food is from scratch. I do buy the organic pouch food for emergencies, i.e. we are at Grampie's longer than we thought we would be and Abe is starving. He also gets mums on occassion. Oh. And Cheerios at breakfast.

Making baby food really is quick and easy. I swear.

I made this batch of food while making supper. Abe played on the kitchen floor, when he got antsy I gave him a mum and that occupied him for a good 15 minutes.

I always taste his food before I feed it to him. If I think it is gross why would he think it is good?? So far everything I've made has been very tasty.

This mixture turned a bit gooey since you are blending starchy potatoes. Still...very yum. Kale and beans fresh from the farm.

Potatoes with Kale and Green Beans
Source: adapted from Fresh From the Start by Tyler Florence (my new favorite book)
Yield: about 18 ounces

1 large russet potato, peeled and sliced (I only had Yukon gold so I used two of those)
1/4 pound green beans
4 leaves of kale, stems removed
1 cup organic chicken broth (I only had veggie so I used that)
3T Parmesan cheese
1 T olive oil

Put the potato, beans, kale and broth/stock in a large pot. Boil over medium until the potatoes are tender. Pour all of this into the blender with the cheese and oil, puree, cool, serve.

How easy is that??

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